What is the most important thing you need as a business owner in order to get organised?
I specialise in working with entrepreneurs and supporting them in growing their business. Every day I help business owners like you get more organised in a variety of ways: implementing processes, looking at time management, and identifying, setting up, and training you in the right tools for your business.
So what is the key to getting organised?
- A digital task management application like Trello? You can find out more about how I use Trello in my business here
- Better time management habits? I share my top tips about this here
- Business checklists? You can read more about how to supercharge your business with checklists here
There is no doubt that these are all great tools, as you can see they are all methods I recommend and use in my business.
However they are nothing without the right mindset.
Mindset is the first step towards being organised and productive. Mindset is everything. All the techniques and processes in the world won’t help if you just don’t want to do the task.

You have to really want to be organised and productive for this to happen. This needs to be sustained, not just when you are in Spring Clean mode, full of enthusiasm and ready to tackle it all head-on. That mindset needs to be in place for when it is harder, when you are tired and busy, when you could so easily just ‘wing it’ or save all your files in the downloads folder because filing is boring.
I cannot motivate you to get organised. Nor can anyone else. It needs to come from within. Everyone is motivated by their own reasons.
Find your why
In order to find the correct mindset, you need to identify your reasons for wanting to get organised. What has led you to a point where you are reading this article? What has prompted you to find out how to get organised?
For many clients, it is prompted by negative feelings. They are fed up with feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. They have had enough of the frustration and time wasted when they cannot find the right document, or feel their systems aren’t supporting them.
The benefits of being more organised
It is then about remembering those feelings and then channeling them into all the positives you could gain by finally being more organised:
- More time to serve your clients
- More fee earning hours
- Feeling great about yourself
- Feeling confident, capable and in control
- More time for you
Running a business and admin can take a lot less time and stress – I want you to believe that you can do things differently and you can focus more on serving your clients.

The Organised Coach Method
And you definitely can! That is why I have put together my course The Organised Coach Method. I know as empathetic people, coaches are often overwhelmed, stretched for time, and stressed out because they are so busy looking after everyone else. This course is your opportunity to spend some time on you and supporting your own business. It is packed full of methods and systems to streamline and organise yourself and your business. But the first module is on the most important thing you need to get organised, and yes, that is mindset.
I love to create an environment in which you can become self-motivated to be organised. So at the beginning of my course, I will help you to explore and discover what is most important to you, and how you can lock in that positive mindset which will ensure that this time you get organised for good.
Create the calm coaching business you deserve.